Lechon for Vegetarians?

 Is it true? Lechon for vegetarians?! Over the years, pork has been a popular food item for us Filipinos. Even Anthony Bourdain had a saying that "Life without pork is not worth living". That guy loves pork and so do I. But as time passed by, people started to live healthy and began to despise pork and other kinds of meat, thus the creation of the vegetarians. These are the very guys that quoted "eating living things is wrong". Well plants are living objects too, unless you like rocks. Well start celebrating my green eating friends! Pork can now be eaten by vegetarians as well. First make sure that the Pig is in coma, in other words, in its "vegetable" state. Whack the darn thing and cook it!...MUNENNGGG!!

Guys, of course you know this is not a serious topic, especially if its coming from me. Its actually one of those conversations I usually have with my mom.

If you're expecting a serious blog from me, then definitely you're expecting feathers. By the way, for those vegetarians, this is not a hate post. In fact I love your food, its very healthy. But being a pure vegan will give you a lot of protein issues which can be found in meat. Humans did not fight their way up the food chain to become herbivores. But if that's what makes them happy, I'm not stopping them, it is their human right to be proud and vegan.


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