The Pilgrims Support Earth Hour!

We named ourselves the Green Hill Pilgrims for a reason, we have green minds! Wait that wasn't right, lets try that one again. We're green minded...We love the greens! Think Green! err.. Let's make it simple, we love the Earth. It's the only freakin' home we actually have. And come Earth hour at 8:30 pm this Saturday March 26, 2011 its lights off for one whole hour. Its the only way to express to the Earth that we truly care. Now you ask why should I care? Well, the Earth is a bit on a rampage right now, and the signs global warming has revealed itself. A little step to help the environment would be a big step towards change. I say yes to a cleaner and greener Earth. WE CAN DO IT!


  1. Oh yeah! Here in our house, we support it all the way.

    All the way, as in we switch off the fuse box, whether they like it or not.


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