
This topic has nothing to do with Al Capone, but rather it is a Japanese live action drama series which was aired October 9 ,2009 on TV Asahi. Let me by start by saying that I am not usually a very big fan of live action dramas unless they were based off a manga title. But if they start throwing actors in one drama with names I know very well, that's something that would catch my interest immediately. Here is the main the cast of this awesome show and the previous roles they took in the industry:

Yukie Nakama - plays the role of Narumi Ryoko in this series, a first class journalist who was fired from a famous magazine and now works for a third class trashy tabloid known as Shunkan Untouchable. You may know Yukie as Kumiko Yamaguchi from Gokusen and as Sadako in Ring Zero: Birthday. She also sang the song "One" the opening theme of Rockman X4.
Tomohito Sato - plays the role of Takafuji Shinichi, the camera man of Shunkan Untouchable that follows Ryoko around as she chases celebrity scandals and sensational stories. Tomohito also goes by the name Yuki Sato during the time he played the role of Arata Kagami/Kamen Rider Gatack in the Kamen Rider Kabuto series.
Jun Kaname - plays the role of Toyama Shiro, ex-boyfriend of Ryoko and an employee of the National Journal where Ryoko used to work. Jun Kaname was known in his role as Makoto Hikawa/Kamen Rider G3-X in the Kamen Rider Agito series.

The series started out pretty simple, Ryoko tries to uncover the reason behind the incredible predictions a freelance reporter, Arisugawa Sumire gives out on local television about the accidents happening around the city. As they try to uncover the truth, they find out that there is a bigger hand at play behind the scenes. As the series progressed, the show revealed more about the past behind the main characters, and let loose a very surprising twist in the end. There are 9 episodes in the series which is about an hour long each. Its a very interesting show that kept me glued to the TV, I highly recommend this one.

The theme song of the show is named 「Orion」 which was performed by the J-pop group "Girl Next Door".


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