TRON: Legacy

I recently saw Tron: Legacy in 3-D, and in my personal opinion, I think it was awesome! Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner is still present in the movie playing their previous roles. I believe they made this movie in order to appeal the people who actually saw the first one. Anyone who actually sees this movie and has never seen the first one will surely be lost in the story.

I still remember when I saw the original movie for the first time, I never actually cared about the story, I only liked the pretty lights and the awesome vehicles. When I got a little older, I saw the movie again. This time I have a bit of computer knowledge, that's when I actually started to like Tron's story.

After I saw "Legacy", I feel that this movie never targeted children, I believe it targeted only the people who saw the first one. It seems that Disney is actually moving away from the "for children only" stereotype. It started with the Pirates of the Carribean movies. Even getting Warren Spector to make Epic Mickey was a great idea. And the recent purchase of Marvel comics made Disney a direct competitor of Warner Brothers.

The idea that there is a whole different world inside the computer seems to be something which the Wachowski brothers assimilated in order to make The Matrix. Another similarity would be "The Chosen One" concept which The Matrix actually has can be compared to the "Users" in the world of Tron.

The look of the whole movie changed with the times, the 1985 movie showcased the technology of that time, and this new movie showcased what the latest technology can do for motion pictures. This film is visually stunning. The movie was filled with nostalgia, that included Flynn's arcade and the ENCOM building. The light cycle sequences were still there, however it had a whole new look. Disc duels were still there. The Jai Alai game is no longer present in the movie, however the concept was integrated in the disc duel arena.

The new character's Sam Flynn which was played by Garrett Hedlund and Quorra which was played by Olivia Wilde was a great addition to the franchise. I was also amazed that the whole film score was composed by Daft Punk, the movie actually matches their style. Daft Punk also had a minor role in the movie as two MP3 programs, despite their small roles, they are my favorite characters.
Olivia Wilde as Quorra
The new light cycle,
I would actually recommend this movie to those who have seen and liked the first one.

To those who are a fan of the franchise, a video game slightly based on the movie was released. TRON: Evolution's story sits between the original movie and the sequel. They also had planned a 10 part television named TRON: Uprising which will air in Disney XD somewhere in 2012.


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