GHP Dragonball and Ultraman (11/04/2009)

Broly is back!
I mean look at him! He's HUGE, man I'm freakin' out!
The fact that he was already so friggin' powerful in the first place, they had to bring him back more menacing than ever. Bandai Namco will be releasing Dragonball Raging Blast for the PS3 and the Xbox 360 with a new character. Broly in his super saiyajin 3 form!

You can check the ad in the official site:

ULTRAMAN Honda's newest mascot!
I was watching Honda advertisements through my Wii and suddenly I found a really strange one. Ultraman, his family members and his enemies are the new mascots for Honda's latest minivan the STEP WGN. I found the advertisement so entertaining I had to see the making of the ad.
It's so spacious even Red King can fit at the back!
Here is the link if you want to see it.


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