GHP Newsletter 10/29/09

The first one was just more of beta testing hehehe. The otaku stuff starts here again. Right now I'm trying to find out if I’m going to take this thing seriously. Only time will tell, and the humongous space I take off your e-mail accounts Mwahahahaha! -永勝
 1. Yuna Ito - 今でもずっと・・・

2. Yui – Again

3. Ikimono-gakari - ホタルノヒカ
4. Soul Food Punishment – Futuristic Imagination
5. Koda Kumi – To be One

Now here's something I actually got that brought me back to those good old days.
Family Computer Midi Best Collection Vol.1 - 3

Includes tracks from:
Legend of Zelda
Star Soldier
Bomber King
Legend of the Kage
Ninja Ryukenden
Tower of Duraga
City Connection
Double Dragon
Bubble Bobble
and tons of other games I have not played yet.
 Well it depends on your taste. This is just my personal Opinion.
1. Nyoron Churuya san
2. Melancholy of Haruhi-Chan
3. Potemayo
4. Azumanga Daioh
5. Lucky Star (Sabog siya pag Otaku ka)
6. Akikan
7. School Rumble
8. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
9. Hayate no Gotoku 
10. Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun (The one with the Succubus na may Androphobia)
*Ranking may change after watching the complete series of School Rumble*


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