Almost Japan

I kinda wanted to go for okonomiyaki, so I asked the two guys if they wanted to go with me to Little Tokyo, so we went there. The okomomiyaki place was actually closed that time, so we ate a bento meal at Chotto Stop. It seems that it was Sho and Keitsu's first time there, so after eating we did a bit of shopping. Chotto Stop is actually a small convenience store filled to the brim with Japanese products. Sho actually had his eye on the pudding, however after eating, its gone! We also tried some Japanese ice cream. We ate it in the middle of the rain.
Almost Japan
After Little Tokyo, we went to Glorietta. Keitsu wanted to go to Timezone, and I was kinda curious if there was something new there. There was! It was Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition. Keith tried his hand on Evil Ryu, believe me, Evil Ryu was not only evil, he was raging. The arcade edition actually added two really angry characters, Evil Ryu and Oni. It seems Oni is actually Gouki who has taken complete control of the Satsui no Hadou or was it the other way around. During that time Oni was still locked though.
Evil Ryu looking real angry
Oni's hair is on fire
Oni reminds me of someone, I just can't put my finger on it.

Anyway, we were trying out the new characters like Yun and Yang, until someone actually challenged us. That's where the butt whoopin' began. The three of us were smacked around like amateurs. There is actually a mercy round culture in the arcades in where you are thrown one round as a form of pity. Sho actually hates that, its tearing his dignity apart as a gamer. That is when we learned to inform the other player "no mercy!" before starting the fight, that way if you get your ass whooped, you still have your dignity intact.
Keith and I also finished the Let's go Island arcade game by SEGA. It is supposed to be an arcade game for couples to test your compatibility. As Donald Duck said "I'll try anything once". We went through the whole game, usually surprised by the QTE sequences the game throws at us. In the final boss, all we had to do was light a rocket and aim it straight to the mouth of the final boss, guess what? We missed! Bad ending.
Before we ended the day, we went to Data Blitz. I finally bought Dragon Quest IX after all this time. It is a really good game and the multi-player aspect is amazing. I recommend this game to all DS owners. Let's say its a mini version of Dragon Age, I'm not sure if William will agree with that comparison though. I will do a review on this game on a separate blog probably.
Now I know why the background art of the Dragon Quest logo is a fruit, play the game to find out.
Seth Green's ad on Dragon Quest IX:


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